The aim of this epidemiological study was to describe the incidence and distribution of hyperdontia in the primary school
population in Genoa (Italy) and to check its influence on the development of orthodontic problems in children. The collected data should
also help to find out what is the best age range among children to direct a program for early diagnosis and prevention of malocclusion
and oral diseases related to hyperdontia.
The participating children (total number 1577, 814 males and 763 females,
between 6 and 10 years of age) chosen in 19 public primary schools in Genoa have been examined by the same specialist through year
2004. Erupted permanent teeth, presence, position and form of supernumerary teeth, malocclusion presence and class, presence of
orthodontic devices, age and sex have been noted down for each child.
The global percentage of hyperdontia was
0.38, more frequent in males (0.49) than in females (0.26). The most common kind of supernumerary tooth
was mesiodens (83). A significant increase of hyperdontia prevalence (from 0.64 to 1.06) was noticed in
children 9 years old. The incidence of malocclusion among children presenting hyperdontia was 83,3, while the global incidence
of malocclusion was 40. An orthodontic treatment had been planned and started for 20 of children presenting
The study has revealed an incidence of hyperdontia much more frequent in males than in females (2:1).
The most common site of eruption of supernumerary teeth is maxillary anterior region. Hyperdontia is strictly related with dental
malocclusion. The best age range to direct a program of early diagnosis and prevention of malocclusion and hyperdontia is 9 years old
Publication date:
Vol.7 – n.2/2006
Harvard: G. Alberti, P. M. Mondani, V. Parodi (2006) "Eruption of supernumerary permanent teeth in a sample of urban primary school population in Genoa, Italy", European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 7(2), pp89-92. doi:
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