To present an innovative dental approach for children with autism spectrum disorder to the scientific community, along with the 3 questionnaires formulated to evaluate its effectiveness.
Development of the 3 questionnaires occurred in five stages: observation of the behaviours of ADS children and their caregivers attending the Dental Department in the year 2021; issues detection: anxiety in parents, crying, difficulty in waiting and hyperactivity of the children, fear of both parents and children; formulation of the questionnaires in order to obtain all the information necessary to assess the patient’s psychological well-being; validation with submission of the questionnaires to two specialists; modification and final drafting.
The 3 questionnaires aim to investigate if the orthodontic treatment, undertaken as the first dental act, may facilitate the relationship between children with ASD and the dentist, leading to possible improvements in their approach to oral hygiene. To date this study cannot provide results because the questionnaires have not been administrated, however, is possible to anticipate some of the usefulness that these new tools will provide and the the benefits of undertaking orthodontic treatment, characterised by painless repetitive appointments that involve easy manoeuvres and allow for gradual familiarisation between operator and child.
Using the 3 questionnaires, the dentist will be able to assess the wellbeing of the patient and his/her family when attending the dental environment, monitor oral hygiene manoeuvres and verify the usefulness of the orthodontic approach to ADS child while creating a trusting relationship with the patient and his/her caregivers.
Study Design
To evaluate if approaching oral problems starting from the resolution of malocclusion is an effective method of gaining the cooperation of children with autism spectrum disorder, the Dental Department of Gaslini Hospital devised 3 questionnaires to be filled in by the family or the caregiver of the child with autism spectrum disorder at different times during the orthodontic treatment.
Publication date:
Vol.25 – n.1/2024
Harvard: C. Capurro, G. Telini, C. Canevello, N. Laffi (2024) "A new way to approach ASD children in Dentistry", European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 25(1), pp12-19. doi: 10.23804/ejpd.2024.1884
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