Identification of potential carious risk criteria, retrospectively at 2 years of age, for developing carious lesions
at 3 years of age. Study design Longitudinal observations from 2 until 3 years of age. Cross-sectional observations of two
cohorts of 3- year-olds with different approaches.
The study group consisted of 78 three- year-
olds from a previous study at age 2 years. Clinical examination, diet history, questions regarding breastfeeding and salivary
sampling for mutans streptococci (MS) were performed at both ages. The previous study on 124 three-year-olds was used as
a control group for comparison of the 3-year-olds in the longitudinal study group.
The examinations suggested
the following risk predictors: carious lesions, frequent intake of selected sugar-containing products, breastfeeding at night
and MS, which covered all children with lesions at 3 years of age, resulting in a positive predictive value of 32 and a
negative predictive value of 100. The only statistically significant difference between the two groups of 3-year-olds
was the reported intake of sugar-containing items. Statistics Student's t-test and chi square test, completed by Fischer's
exact test.
The combination of the suggested risk criteria was predictive of carious lesions. In spite of
individual parental information, new lesions developed after one year. Based on observations, a more structured and
monitored preventive approach is suggested.
Publication date:
Vol.12 – n.4/2011
Harvard: M. Bankel, A. Robertson, B. Khler (2011) "Carious lesions and caries risk predictors in a group of Swedish children 2 to 3 years of age. One year observation", European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 12(4), pp215-219. doi:
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