The objective of this descriptive study was to evaluate the clinical decision on sealing pits and fissures
according to the occlusal morphology in patients with low individual caries risk (ICR).
A total
of 222 dentists, 86 affiliated to the French Society of Paediatric Odontology (SFOP) and 136 general practice dentists (GPs),
answered the same questionnaire with illustrations of 4 occlusal surfaces of permanent molars: they indicated firstly if these
were at risk and secondly the corresponding decision regarding sealing. This questionnaire assessed the decision on
widening pits and fissures before sealing and the type of sealant material used. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were
performed to identify the factors associated with the clinical decision to widen pits and fissures.
Sealing of at-risk
teeth was indicated by 89 of dentists, whereas sealing of not at-risk occlusal surfaces was recommended by
46. SFOP dentists were more prone to recommend pit and fissures sealants. The multivariate analyses demonstrated
that only the type of material was associated with the clinical decision to widen pits and fissures. Forty eight percent of
dentists choose the same material in all clinical situations.
The wide variations in sealant use and placement
technique implies there is no apparent consensus among GP and SFOP dentists. Although the criteria are similar in
numerous scientific societies, not all dentists are acting upon these recommendations.
Publication date:
Vol.12 – n.1/2011
Harvard: F. Courson, A. M. Velly, D. Droz, L. Lupi-Pgurier, M. Muller-Bolla (2011) "Clinical decision on pit and fissure sealing according to the occlusal morphology. A descriptive study", European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 12(1), pp43-49. doi:
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