Several organizations consider mother's milk the optimal nutrition source for newborns [AAP, 1998; Gartner et
al., 1997; Mohrbacher and Stock, 2002; WHO, 1989]. However, there is little scientific evidence supporting the idea that
breastfeeding has a positive influence on the development of the orofacial structures.
The study
of cases and controls (observational, analytical and retrospective) and lateral teleradiographs of the cranium of 197 patients
(106 breast-fed and 91 bottle-fed) were compared. Ricketts, Steiner and McNamara values were used for the cephalometric
analysis. Differences between the two groups were analysed by applying the T-test and ANOVA. Statistical significance levels
were set at p<0.05. Non-nutritive infantile sucking habits have been compared; differences between the two groups were
analysed by applying the Chi-square test.
First, the upper incisors were found to be protruded in the bottle-fed
group. Second, subjects belonging to the breast-fed group displayed a brachycephalic mandible arch, while those fed with
bottle had a dolichocephalic Steiner mandibular plane. Third, both facial depth and distance of the pogonion to the
perpendicular nasion presented a certain tendency to a retruded mandibular bone in the bottle-fed group. And fourth, the
frequency of use of dummy and thumb suction were greater in the bottle feed group, without statistical significance.
In addition to the multiple advantages that mother's milk offers to newborns, breastfeeding also helps correct
orofacial development (not only for the incisors position, but also for the vertical and sagittal relations of the mandible with
upper maxillary and cranial basis).
Publication date:
Vol.11 – n.2/2010
Harvard: M. Snchez-Molins, J. Grau Carb, J. M. Ustrell Torrent (2010) "Comparative study of the craniofacial growth depending on the type of lactation received", European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 11(2), pp87-92. doi:
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