REVIEW: Recent progress in understanding the molecular and cellular changes during tooth development and how they are
mimicked during tissue repair, offers the opportunity to assess the biologic validity of the various vital pulp treatments. Under this light,
indirect pulp treatment can be an acceptable procedure for primary teeth with reversible pulp inflammation, provided that this diagnosis
is based on a good history, a proper clinical and radiographic examination, and the tooth had been sealed with a leakage-free
restoration. Several articles report the success of this technique of direct pulp capping (DPC) and calcium hydroxide has been widely
used with high success rates in young permanent teeth, but the results in primary teeth are less satisfactory. Recent studies have
reported successful results with direct adhesive capping of exposed pulps, while others showed pulp inflammation and unacceptable
results using this technique. Thus, the traditional rationale for the use of calcium hydroxide should be maintained, and this treatment
modality reserved for iatrogenic exposures in asymptomatic teeth that are expected to exfoliate within a short period of time. In younger
children, iatrogenic or carious exposures should be treated by pulpotomy. Formocresol has been the most popular pulp dressing
material for pulpotomized primary molars for many years but, due to its deleterious effect, the use of formocresol is decreasing
considerably worldwide. Ferric sulphate has been proposed as a substitute to formocresol, and the success rates were comparable to
those of formocresol. More recently, considerably better results have been obtained with MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate), and
statistically significant differences were reported when compared with formocresol. Internal root resorption, a finding seen both in ferric
sulphate and formocresol, was not observed in the MTA treated teeth. MTA is commercially available, but its cost is very high, and
cannot be kept once opened. Thus, ferric sulphate can still be a valid and inexpensive solution for pulpotomies in primary
Publication date:
Vol.3 – n.3/2002
Harvard: A. B. Fuks (2002) "Current concepts in vital primary pulp therapy", European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 3(3), pp115-120. doi:
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