To evaluate the prevalence, the morphological characteristics and any related symptoms of Ponticulus Posticus (PP) in young Italian patients by means of cone-beam computed tomography. MATERIALS ABD
A retrospective study was conducted on images derived from cone-beam CT scans of an Italian population in developmental age (mean age 12.61 ± 2.69); medical history was also evaluated from medical records. The total prevalence and morphology of PP, the prevalence by gender and according to age groups were calculated. For the statistical analysis the ?² test was used.
Total prevalence of PP was 28.24%, the prevalence by gender was 35.27% for males and 21.42% for females, with statistically significant differences. PP was bilateral in 74.33%, and monolateral in 25.67%. As regards symptoms, the cases with headache were 32.43%, tinnitus 6.08%, migraine 3.38%. Dividing by age, patients aged ? 11 years showed headache in 25% of cases, patients aged between 12 and 14 years in 54.17% of cases and patient aged between 15 and 17 years in 20.83%.
PP is not a rare anomaly in Italian young patients and should always be sought in the lateral cephalograms and CBCT, in patients whether or not symptomatic, irrespective of their age, for differential diagnosis and management of cranio-cervicofacial pain in developmental patients.
Publication date:
Vol.20 – n.3/2019
Harvard: D. Tripodi, M. Tieri, P. Demartis, G. Però, G. Marzo, S. D’Ercole (2019) "Ponticulus posticus: clinical and CBCT analysis in a young Italian population", European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 20(3), pp219-223. doi: 10.23804/ejpd.2019.20.03.10
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