The aim of the present study is to report the prevalence of mesiodens and its characteristics and also to
present 25 cases with 27 mesiodentes in 2500 children in Davangere city, India.
A survey of
2500 children examined in the Department of Paediatric Dentistry was conducted. Their ages ranged from 3 to 12 years. A
total of 27 mesiodentes were diagnosed in 25 patients (1). The patients' records and radiographs were evaluated
and the following variables were studied: age and sex distribution, number, shape, position, eruption status, associated
dentition and arch, associated complications and anomalies.
In this study were enrolled 16 males and 9 females:
96.2 of the mesiodentes were seen in the maxillary arch while only one in the mandibular arch; 92.5 were
observed in the permanent dentition. Most mesiodentes (92.5) were conical in shape, and about 96.2 were
placed vertical in position with only one mesiodens impacted and inverted. Of the 27 mesiodentes, 23 were u%
caused a midline diastema, 14.8 occlusal interference, 7.4 root resorption, and 3.7 had caused
delayed eruption of permanent incisors. Rare anomalies like facial talon cusp were found in two mesiodentes (7.4),
and only one (3.7) had a root anomaly.
Mesiodens may occur as an isolated finding or can be
associated with other odontogenic anomalies
Publication date:
Vol.11 – n.4/2010
Harvard: N. B. Nagaveni, B. Sreedevi, B. S. Praveen, B. Praveen Reddy, B. G. Vidyullatha, K. V. Umashankara (2010) "Survey of mesiodens and its characteristics in 2500 children of Davangere city, India", European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 11(4), pp185-188. doi:
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