Home R Gatto

R Gatto

Prevalence and determinants of early childhood caries in Italy

Issue:4 Publication date: December 2019Volume: 20 Pag: 267– 273

Investigation of periodontal status in type 1 diabetic adolescents

Issue:4 Publication date: Dec 2015Volume: 16 Pag: 319– 323

Effect on anterior temporalis surface emg of eyes open-closed condition

Issue:4 Publication date: Dec 2010Volume: 11 Pag: 210– 212

The process of mineralisation in the development of human tooth

Issue:4 Publication date: Dec 2016Volume: 17 Pag: 322– 326

Prevalence of myopia in a population with malocclusions

Issue:3 suppl Publication date: Oct 2012Volume: 13 Pag: 256– 258

Oral hygiene habits and attitudes in a school population in L’Aquila (Italy)

Issue:3 Publication date: September 2006Volume: 7 Pag: 135– 141

Otodental Syndrome

Issue:3 Publication date: September 2023Volume: 24 Pag: 247– 249

Kids Digital Crown Technique: an innovative approach to restore primary teeth

Issue:3 Publication date: September 2021Volume: 22 Pag: 204– 206

Case report: severe infraocclusion ankylosis occurring in siblings

Issue:3 Publication date: Sep 2004Volume: 5 Pag: 174– 178

National Italian Guidelines for caries prevention in 0 to 12 years-old children

Issue:3 Publication date: September 2007Volume: 8 Pag: 153– 159

Dental fear/anxiety among children and adolescents. A systematic review

Issue:2 Publication date: June 2017Volume: 18 Pag: 121– 130

Gingival myofibroma. A case report

Issue:1 Publication date: Mar 2012Volume: 13 Pag: 81– 83