Home S Colombo

S Colombo

Prevalence and determinants of early childhood caries in Italy

Issue:4 Publication date: December 2019Volume: 20 Pag: 267– 273

Childhood obesity, sugar, and Early Childhood Caries: the sweet trap

Issue:4 Publication date: December 2024Volume: 25 Pag: 254– 255

Dental Sealants Part 4: Bisphenol A: What dentists should know

Issue:4 Publication date: December 2018Volume: 19 Pag: 333– 334

Dental Sealants Part 3: Which material? Efficiency and effectiveness

Issue:3 Publication date: September 2018Volume: 19 Pag: 247– 249

Paediatric endodontics. Part. 1: Portland Cements Apical Plug

Issue:3 Publication date: September 2020Volume: 21 Pag: 248– 250

Perinatal oral health: focus on the mother

Issue:3 Publication date: September 2019Volume: 20 Pag: 209– 213

New 3D printed polymers in orthodontics: a scoping review

Issue:3 Publication date: September 2023Volume: 24 Pag: 224– 228

Impacted post-traumatic maxillary central incisor: A multidisciplinary approach

Issue:3 Publication date: September 2020Volume: 21 Pag: 209– 212

PEEK polymer in orthodontics: a scoping review

Issue:2 Publication date: June 2022Volume: 23 Pag: 137– 139

Dental Sealants. Part 2: Who should get dental sealants and when

Issue:2 Publication date: June 2018Volume: 19 Pag: 165– 166

Dental Sealants. Part 1: Prevention First

Issue:1 Publication date: March 2018Volume: 19 Pag: 80– 82