dental caries
Minimum intervention oral care management of early childhood caries: a 17-year follow-up case report
Publication date: February/2023Volume: 24 Pag: 20– 29
Social capital and dental caries among 3–5-year-old Indian children. A cross-sectional study
Publication date: February/2023Volume: 24 Pag: 15– 19
The effect of improving oral health literacy among teachers on the oral health condition of primary schoolchildren in Cambodia
Publication date: December/2022Volume: 23 Pag: 321– 326
Comparison of knowledge between Italian and Spanish parents about the oral health of their preschool children
Publication date: September/2022Volume: 23 Pag: 194– 200
Parental preferences for dental caries treatment in preschool children according to socio-demographic conditions and beliefs about the primary dentition
Publication date: June/2022Volume: 23 Pag: 147– 152
Restorative material choices for extensive carious lesions and hypomineralisation defects in children: a questionnaire survey among Finnish dentists
Publication date: March/2020Volume: 21 Pag: 29– 34
Influence of occlusal characteristics, food intake and oral hygiene habits on dental caries in adolescents: a cross-sectional study
Publication date: June/2018Volume: 19 Pag: 95– 100
Masticatory parameters of children with and without clinically diagnosed caries in permanent dentition
Publication date: June/2017Volume: 18 Pag: 116– 120
Evaluation of the relationship between obesity, dental caries and periodontal disease in adolescents
Publication date: December/2017Volume: 18 Pag: 268– 272
Parental Oral Health Literacy of children with severe early childhood caries in Hong Kong
Publication date: December/2017Volume: 18 Pag: 326– 331
Restorative approaches to treat dentin caries in preschool children: systematic review
Publication date: Jun/2016Volume: 17 Pag: 113– 121
Black Stains: a microbiological analysis and a view on familiarity and susceptibility to tooth decay of patients in childhood
Publication date: Dec/2016Volume: 17 Pag: 261– 266
The efficacy of Italian guidelines in promoting oral health in children and adolescents
Publication date: Jun/2015Volume: 16 Pag: 93– 98
CPP-ACP and CPP-ACFP versus fluoride varnish in remineralisation of early caries lesions. A prospective study
Publication date: Sep/2015Volume: 16 Pag: 181– 186
A study of primary teeth restored by intracoronal restorations in children participating in an undergraduate teaching programme at Cork University Dental School and Hospital, Ireland
Publication date: Mar/2015Volume: 16 Pag: 78– 82
Status of occlusal surfaces of first permanent molars in 6-8-year-old children evaluated by the CAST and DMF indices
Publication date: Jun/2014Volume: 15 Pag: 107– 112
Dental caries and childhood obesity: analysis of food intakes, lifestyle
Publication date: Dec/2014Volume: 15 Pag: 343– 348
Salivary trace elements in relation to dental caries in a group of multi-ethnic schoolchildren in Shah Alam, Malaysia
Publication date: Jun/2013Volume: 14 Pag: 113– 118
Molar incisor hypomineralisation and dental caries among children in Slovenia
Publication date: Sep/2013Volume: 14 Pag: 241– 245
Association between dental caries and obesity in preschool children
Publication date: Sep/2013Volume: 14 Pag: 185– 189
Effects of maltitol and xylitol chewing-gums on parameters involved in dental caries development
Publication date: Dec/2013Volume: 14 Pag: 303– 308
Evaluating the physicochemical properties and inorganic elements of saliva in caries-free and caries-active children. An in vivo study
Publication date: Jun/2012Volume: 13 Pag: 107– 112
Oral health status of 12-year-old school children in Yemen. A cross- sectional survey
Publication date: Dec/2012Volume: 13 Pag: 324– 328
Some factors associated with dental caries in the primary dentition of children with Down syndrome
Publication date: Mar/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 37– 42
Obesity and dental caries in paediatric patients. A cross-sectional study
Publication date: Jun/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 112– 116
Prevalence of dental caries and its correlation with the immunologic profile in HIV-Infected children on antiretroviral therapy
Publication date: Jun/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 87– 90
Factors related to dental caries in adolescents in southeastern Brazil
Publication date: Dec/2010Volume: 11 Pag: 165– 170
Preschoolers’ dental caries experience and its trend over 20 years in a North-East Italian Health district
Publication date: December/2007Volume: 8 Pag: 199– 204
Oral health inequalities in preschool children in North-Eastern Italy as reflected by caries prevalence
Publication date: March/2007Volume: 8 Pag: 13– 18
Dental caries and bone mineral density: a cross sectional study
Publication date: June/2006Volume: 7 Pag: 67– 72
Case report: ultrasonic cavity preparation – an alternative approach for caries removal in paediatric dentistry
Publication date: Jun/2005Volume: 6 Pag: 105– 108
Asthma inhalers and subsurface enamel demineralisation: an in situ pilot study
Publication date: Sep/2005Volume: 6 Pag: 139– 143
Caries in primary teeth at 5 and 10 years of age: a longitudinal study
Publication date: Dec/2004Volume: 5 Pag: 194– 202
A prospective comparison between findings from a clinical examination and results of bitewing and panoramic radiographs for dental caries diagnosis in children
Publication date: Dec/2004Volume: 5 Pag: 203– 209
A comparative study on the prevalence of enamel defects and dental caries in children and adolescents with and without coeliac disease
Publication date: Jun/2004Volume: 5 Pag: 102– 106
High levels of salivary lactobacilli in Estonian schoolchildren
Publication date: Jun/2004Volume: 5 Pag: 107– 109
Relationship between caries prevalence at 5 years of age and dental anxiety at 10
Publication date: Mar/2002Volume: 3 Pag: 22– 26
Caries experience and dental attendance of Somali children living in a British city
Publication date: Dec/2002Volume: 3 Pag: 210– 216
Caries experience and treatment response among groups of Finnish, German and Russian children. A retrospective study between 1995 and 1989
Publication date: Jun/2002Volume: 3 Pag: 61– 67