primary teeth
In vitro evaluation of root canal wall cleanliness in primary molars after preparation with Self-Adjusting-File (SAF) or Mtwo NiTi-instruments and final irrigation
Publication date: /2021Volume: 22 Pag: 10– 14
Parental-caregiver perception of child oral-health related quality of life following zirconia crown placement and non-restoration of carious primary anterior teeth
Publication date: March/2018Volume: 19 Pag: 21– 28
Apical extrusion of debris in primary molar root canals using mechanical and manual systems
Publication date: March/2018Volume: 19 Pag: 16– 20
Evaluation of the Self-Adjusting File system (SAF) for the instrumentation of primary molar root canals: a micro-computed tomographic study
Publication date: June/2017Volume: 18 Pag: 105– 110
A new method for deep caries treatment in primary teeth using ozone: a retrospective study
Publication date: June/2017Volume: 18 Pag: 111– 115
Flowable composite as a direct restoration technique for primary molars
Publication date: September/2017Volume: 18 Pag: 243– 246
Clinical performance of aesthetic restorative materials in primary teeth according to the FDI criteria
Publication date: Sep/2016Volume: 17 Pag: 202– 212
Restorative approaches to treat dentin caries in preschool children: systematic review
Publication date: Jun/2016Volume: 17 Pag: 113– 121
Indirect pulp capping versus pulpotomy for treating deep carious lesions approaching the pulp in primary teeth: a systematic review
Publication date: Jun/2016Volume: 17 Pag: 107– 112
A study on the chronology and sequence of eruption of primary teeth in Spanish children
Publication date: Dec/2015Volume: 16 Pag: 301– 304
Rapid maxillary expansion in early-mixed dentition: effectiveness of increasing arch dimension with anchorage on deciduous teeth
Publication date: Jun/2015Volume: 16 Pag: 115– 122
The reasons for extractions of primary teeth in Turkish children
Publication date: Sep/2015Volume: 16 Pag: 187– 190
Probiotics and their effect on oral bacteria count in children: a pilot study
Publication date: Mar/2015Volume: 16 Pag: 56– 60
Finite element analysis of different restorative materials in primary teeth restorations
Publication date: Sep/2014Volume: 15 Pag: 317– 322
Aesthetic and functional rehabilitation of child using mock-up combined with stratified technique
Publication date: Jul/2014Volume: 15 Pag: 234– 236
Accuracy of three different apex locators and visual exam in primary teeth with and without root resorption in vitro
Publication date: Dec/2014Volume: 15 Pag: 381– 384
Early orthodontic treatment: a new index to assess the risk of malocclusion in primary dentition
Publication date: Dec/2014Volume: 15 Pag: 401– 406
Oral rehabilitation of a 4-year-old child with early childhood caries under general anaesthesia: a case report on long-term outcome
Publication date: Jul/2014Volume: 15 Pag: 229– 233
Sodium Hypochlorite versus Formocresol in primary molars pulpotomies: a randomized clinical trial
Publication date: Mar/2013Volume: 14 Pag: 33– 36
The reliability of microleakage studies using dog and bovine primary teeth instead of human primary teeth
Publication date: Mar/2013Volume: 14 Pag: 42– 46
Comparison of microleakage of different margin types around Class V resin restorations in primary teeth
Publication date: Sep/2013Volume: 14 Pag: 246– 251
Microtensile bond strength of self-etch adhesives in different surface conditionings
Publication date: Dec/2012Volume: 13 Pag: 317– 320
Clinical and radiographic outcomes of direct pulp capping therapy in primary molar teeth following haemostasis with various antiseptics: a randomised controlled trial
Publication date: Dec/2012Volume: 13 Pag: 289– 292
Suitability of polymers as screw post materials in primary teeth: an in vitro study
Publication date: Mar/2012Volume: 13 Pag: 19– 24
Retrospective study on the occurrence of primary incisor trauma in preschool children of a low-income area in Brazil
Publication date: Sep/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 159– 162
Prevalence of malocclusion in primary dentition in a population-based sample of Brazilian preschool children
Publication date: Jun/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 107– 111
Premature loss of maxillary primary incisor and delayed eruption of its successor: report of a case
Publication date: Sep/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 194– 197
Temperature changes caused by light curing units on dentine of primary teeth
Publication date: Mar/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 7– 12
Predisposing factors for traumatic dental injuries in brazilian preschool children
Publication date: Jun/2010Volume: 11 Pag: 59– 65
Bonding effectiveness of different adhesion approaches to unground versus ground primary tooth enamel
Publication date: June/2009Volume: 10 Pag: 83– 89
Evaluation of three pulpotomy medicaments in primary teeth
Publication date: Sep/2005Volume: 6 Pag: 133– 138
Caries patterns in an urban preschool population in Norway
Publication date: Mar/2005Volume: 6 Pag: 16– 22
Subgingival foreign body embedment in a preschool child: management with three and a half years follow-up
Publication date: Mar/2004Volume: 5 Pag: 46– 49
Ferric sulphate and formocresol in pulpotomy of primary molars: long term follow-up study
Publication date: Mar/2003Volume: 4 Pag: 28– 32
Microleakage of composite resin restoration in cavities prepared by Er:YAG laser irradiation in primary teeth
Publication date: Mar/2002Volume: 3 Pag: 39– 45
Chemical and pharmacological shaping of necrotic primary teeth
Publication date: Sep/2002Volume: 3 Pag: 133– 140
Response of the primary pulp to inflammation: a review of the Leeds studies and challenges for the future
Publication date: Sep/2002Volume: 3 Pag: 111– 114