Prevalence and distribution of dental anomalies in a paediatric population based on panoramic radiographs analysis
Authors: V. P. Wagner, T. Arrué, E. Hilgert, N. A. Arús, H. L. D. da Silveira, M. D. Martins, J. A. Rodrigues
Volume: 21
Publication date: December 2020
Pag: 292– 298
Effects of psychological behaviour management programme on dental fear and anxiety in children: A randomised controlled clinical trial
Volume: 21 Issue:4 Publication date: December 2020 Pag: 287– 291Is dental general anaesthesia in children an outdated concept? A retrospective analysis
Volume: 21 Issue:4 Publication date: December 2020 Pag: 283– 286Clinical effectiveness of inhalation conscious sedation with nitrous oxide and oxygen for dental treatment in uncooperative paediatric patients during COVID-19 outbreak
Volume: 21 Issue:4 Publication date: December 2020 Pag: 277– 282Maxillary “en masse” high-pull traction in Class II division 1 subjects: Which kind of skeletal outcomes does it produce?
Volume: 21 Issue:4 Publication date: December 2020 Pag: 271– 276The effect of maxillary protraction, with or without rapid palatal expansion, on airway dimensions: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Authors: M. Adobes Martin, E. Lipani, A. Alvarado Lorenzo, L. Bernes Martinez, R. Aiuto, M. Dioguardi, D. Re, L. Paglia, D. Garcovich
Volume: 21
Publication date: December 2020
Pag: 262– 270
Paediatric dentistry and Covid-19: What’s next?
Authors: L. Paglia
Volume: 21
Publication date: December 2020
Pag: 257– 257