Buccal Alveolar Bone changes and upper first molar displacement after maxillary expansion with RME, Ni-Ti leaf springs expander and Tooth- Bone-borne Expander. A CBCT based analysis
Publication date: September/2023Volume: 24 Pag: 211– 215
Skeletal and dento-alveolar changes obtained with customised and preformed eruption guidance appliances after 1-year treatment in early mixed dentition
Publication date: September/2023Volume: 24 Pag: 178– 187
Prevention of malocclusion and the importance of early diagnosis in the Italian young population
Publication date: September/2022Volume: 23 Pag: 178– 182
Early extraction of the first permanent molars: a five-year follow-up study
Publication date: June/2022Volume: 23 Pag: 111– 115
Prevalence of orthodontic malocclusion in schoolchildren in Slovenia. A prospective aepidemiological study
Publication date: March/2022Volume: 23 Pag: 39– 43
Myofunctional therapy. Part 1: Culture, industrialisation and the shrinking human face
Publication date: /2021Volume: 22 Pag: 80– 81
Worldwide prevalence of malocclusion in the different stages of dentition: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Publication date: June/2020Volume: 21 Pag: 115– 122
Perspectives of tele-orthodontics in the COVID-19 emergency and as a future tool in daily practice
Publication date: June/2020Volume: 21 Pag: 157– 162
Translation and validation of the italian version of the Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetics Questionnaire (pidaq) among adolescents
Publication date: June/2017Volume: 18 Pag: 158– 162
Prevalence of cross-bite in a sample of Italian preschoolers
Publication date: Dec/2016Volume: 17 Pag: 307– 309
Non-nutritive sucking habits and their effects on the occlusion in the deciduous dentition in children
Publication date: Dec/2016Volume: 17 Pag: 301– 306
Prediction model of regional orthodontic workforce needs, using Greece as an example
Publication date: Mar/2016Volume: 17 Pag: 29– 33
Prevalence of occlusal traits and orthodontic treatment need in 14 year-old adolescents in Northeast Italy
Publication date: Mar/2016Volume: 17 Pag: 36– 42
The efficacy of Italian guidelines in promoting oral health in children and adolescents
Publication date: Jun/2015Volume: 16 Pag: 93– 98
Occlusal characteristics in subjects with or without the ability to roll the tongue
Publication date: Jun/2014Volume: 15 Pag: 147– 150
Case report of patients treated with an orthodontic and myofunctional protocol
Publication date: Jul/2014Volume: 15 Pag: 184– 186
Oral habits as risk factors for anterior open bite in the deciduous and mixed dentition – cross-sectional study
Publication date: Dec/2013Volume: 14 Pag: 299– 302
Causal relationship between malocclusion and oral muscles dysfunction: a model of approach
Publication date: Dec/2012Volume: 13 Pag: 321– 323
Correlations between malocclusions and dyslalias
Publication date: Mar/2012Volume: 13 Pag: 13– 18
Prevalence of myopia in a population with malocclusions
Publication date: Oct/2012Volume: 13 Pag: 256– 258
Patients treated with orthodontic-myofunctional therapeutic protocol
Publication date: Sep/2012Volume: 13 Pag: 241– 243
Prevalence of hyperopia and strabismus in a paediatric population with malocclusions
Publication date: Dec/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 272– 274
Prevalence of malocclusion in preschool and primary school children with habitual snoring and Sleep- Disordered Breathing
Publication date: Dec/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 267– 271
Prevalence of malocclusion in primary dentition in a population-based sample of Brazilian preschool children
Publication date: Jun/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 107– 111
Prevalence of astigmatism in a paediatric population with malocclusions
Publication date: Jun/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 91– 94
Parents’ perceptions of oral health conditions depicted in photographs of anterior permanent teeth
Publication date: Dec/2010Volume: 11 Pag: 203– 209
Oral health and malocclusion in 10-to-11 years-old children in southern Italy
Publication date: March/2009Volume: 10 Pag: 13– 18
Oral breathing and dental malocclusions
Publication date: June/2009Volume: 10 Pag: 59– 64
Satisfaction with dental appearance in 8-9 years-old children. Validation of COAS questionnaire for Italian-speaking children and evaluation of social and geographical context
Publication date: March/2008Volume: 9 Pag: 7– 12
Epidemiology and aetiology of malocclusion among Syrian paediatric patients
Publication date: September/2007Volume: 8 Pag: 131– 135
Distribution of craniomandibular disorders, occlusal factors and oral parafunctions in a paediatric population
Publication date: Jun/2003Volume: 4 Pag: 84– 88