oral health
The association between parent education level, oral health, and oral-related sleep disturbance. An observational cross-sectional study
Publication date: September/2023Volume: 24 Pag: 218– 223
Effects of an Educational Book on Paediatric Oral Health knowledge in a sample of Italian women
Publication date: June/2023Volume: 24 Pag: 104– 111
Maternal mental health and children oral health: a literature review
Publication date: April/2023Volume: 24 Pag: 99– 103
Oral health status and management of autistic patients in the dental setting
Publication date: June/2023Volume: 24 Pag: 145– 150
Effects of anti-epileptic drugs on the oral health of paediatric patients
Publication date: February/2023Volume: 24 Pag: 45– 48
Dental fear/anxiety in Czech preschoolers: relationship to gender, age, location of residence, dental status and previous treatment experience
Publication date: December/2022Volume: 23 Pag: 327– 331
The effect of improving oral health literacy among teachers on the oral health condition of primary schoolchildren in Cambodia
Publication date: December/2022Volume: 23 Pag: 321– 326
When ‘How’ is more important than ‘What’
Publication date: June/2022Volume: 23 Pag: 89– 89
Knowlege and attitude in paediatric dentistry among paediatricians
Publication date: March/2022Volume: 23 Pag: 61– 65
Healthcare providers and the oral health of the mother and the unborn child
Publication date: /2021Volume: 22 Pag: 5– 5
Zero to five years: First dental visit
Publication date: December/2020Volume: 21 Pag: 326– 330
Autism spectrum disorders and oral health status: review of the literature
Publication date: March/2020Volume: 21 Pag: 9– 12
The effect of a brief computer-assisted intervention on oral health-related behaviours among adolescents
Publication date: March/2020Volume: 21 Pag: 18– 22
How to deal and learn from the threat of COVID-19 in paediatric dentistry
Publication date: September/2020Volume: 21 Pag: 173– 175
Dental, periodontal and salivary conditions in diabetic children associated with metabolic control variables and nutritional plan adherence
Publication date: June/2018Volume: 19 Pag: 119– 126
Influence of occlusal characteristics, food intake and oral hygiene habits on dental caries in adolescents: a cross-sectional study
Publication date: June/2018Volume: 19 Pag: 95– 100
Treatment needs and predictive capacity of explanatory variables of oral disease in young athletes with an intellectual disability in Europe and Eurasia
Publication date: Mar/2016Volume: 17 Pag: 9– 16
A survey of oral and dental health in children on home parenteral nutrition
Publication date: Mar/2016Volume: 17 Pag: 57– 59
Oral health in children with Down syndrome: Parents’ views on dental care in Flanders (Belgium)
Publication date: Jun/2015Volume: 16 Pag: 143– 148
Maternal characteristics and treatment needs as predictors of dental health services utilisation among Mexican school children
Publication date: Dec/2012Volume: 13 Pag: 307– 310
Oral health status of 12-year-old school children in Yemen. A cross- sectional survey
Publication date: Dec/2012Volume: 13 Pag: 324– 328
Impact of oral health on the quality of life of 3-6-years old HIV-infected children. Quality of life in HIV+ children
Publication date: Jun/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 81– 86
Dental health education programme for 6-year-olds: a cluster randomised controlled trial
Publication date: Sep/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 167– 170
Assessment of oral health-related quality of life in Nigerian children using the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ 11-14)
Publication date: Mar/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 55– 59
Mothers’ perceptions concerning oral health of children and adolescents with Down syndrome: a qualitative approach
Publication date: Mar/2010Volume: 11 Pag: 27– 30
The dental attitudes, knowledge and health practices of patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Publication date: Dec/2005Volume: 6 Pag: 202– 208
Sweetened medicines and hospitalization: caries risk factors in children with and without special needs
Publication date: Dec/2005Volume: 6 Pag: 197– 201
A clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of a three-headed versus a conventional toothbrush for oral hygiene in children
Publication date: Mar/2002Volume: 3 Pag: 33– 38
Oral hygiene habits and oral health in cystic fibrosis
Publication date: Dec/2002Volume: 3 Pag: 181– 187