Prevalence and severity of Molar-Incisor Hypomineralisation in children in Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
Publication date: March/2023Volume: 24 Pag: 139– 143
Dental fear/anxiety in Czech preschoolers: relationship to gender, age, location of residence, dental status and previous treatment experience
Publication date: December/2022Volume: 23 Pag: 327– 331
Prevalence of orthodontic malocclusion in schoolchildren in Slovenia. A prospective aepidemiological study
Publication date: March/2022Volume: 23 Pag: 39– 43
Dental fear/anxiety among children and adolescents. A systematic review
Publication date: June/2017Volume: 18 Pag: 121– 130
Has the prevalence and severity of dental erosion in Norway changed during the last 30 years?
Publication date: September/2017Volume: 18 Pag: 177– 182
How serious is Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) among 8- and 9-year-old children in Bosnia-Herzegovina? A clinical study
Publication date: June/2017Volume: 18 Pag: 153– 157
Dental erosion: Prevalence and severity among 16-year-old adolescents in Troms, Norway
Publication date: Sep/2016Volume: 17 Pag: 197– 201
Prevalence of dental anomalies in children with cleft lip and unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate
Publication date: Sep/2015Volume: 16 Pag: 229– 232
Natal and neonatal teeth: a systematic review of prevalence and management
Publication date: Mar/2013Volume: 14 Pag: 27– 32
Retrospective study on the occurrence of primary incisor trauma in preschool children of a low-income area in Brazil
Publication date: Sep/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 159– 162
Prevalence of dental caries and its correlation with the immunologic profile in HIV-Infected children on antiretroviral therapy
Publication date: Jun/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 87– 90
Prevalence of malocclusion in primary dentition in a population-based sample of Brazilian preschool children
Publication date: Jun/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 107– 111
Prevalence and distribution of hypodontia in a Turkish orthodontic patient population: results from a large academic cohort
Publication date: Jun/2011Volume: 12 Pag: 123– 127
Predisposing factors for traumatic dental injuries in brazilian preschool children
Publication date: Jun/2010Volume: 11 Pag: 59– 65
Survey of mesiodens and its characteristics in 2500 children of Davangere city, India
Publication date: Dec/2010Volume: 11 Pag: 185– 188
The prevalence and aetiology of Molar-Incisor Hypomineralisation in a group of children in Istanbul
Publication date: September/2008Volume: 9 Pag: 139– 144
Preschoolers’ dental caries experience and its trend over 20 years in a North-East Italian Health district
Publication date: December/2007Volume: 8 Pag: 199– 204
Oral health inequalities in preschool children in North-Eastern Italy as reflected by caries prevalence
Publication date: March/2007Volume: 8 Pag: 13– 18
Early Childhood Caries (ECC): what’s in a name?
Publication date: Jun/2004Volume: 5 Pag: 62– 70
Comparison of data on Early Childhood Caries (ECC) with previous data for Baby Bottle Tooth Decay (BBTD) in an Italian kindergarten population
Publication date: Jun/2004Volume: 5 Pag: 71– 75